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Using the power of peer support, the Peer2Peer program is a valuable and critical resource for the facial difference community. The goals of Peer2Peer are empowerment, building resilience, and offering a safe, nonjudgmental, and supportive space for sharing. Adults who sign up to receive support are matched with a trained peer volunteer with similar lived experiences.


Benefits of the Peer2Peer Program include:

  • Fosters a sense of belonging and inclusion
  • Support is offered by trained volunteers who have unique and similar lived experiences. Connect with someone who understands!
  • Peer support relationships are mutually beneficial and guided by empathy
  • Can improve quality of life through establishing meaningful relationships and cultivating a safe space for sharing

Signing up is easy

  • Use the following link to register:
  • You will be contacted by Namrit, Manager of Peer and Community Support to sign a waiver.
  • Once the waiver is returned, the peer match is made.

Peer2Peer details

Where: Zoom

When: 8 pm to 9 pm EST on a bi-weekly basis

Duration: The program runs for a total of 6 months with intakes happening year-round.

Who: The program is designed to support adults who are living with a facial difference and parents of children who have a facial difference.

Become a peer volunteer!

Provide support to peers by sharing similar lived experiences, join the P2P program! To find out more, view the peer volunteer description at the link below. For more information on this role, contact Namrit at 

Peer volunteer description


“Stepping into this role I was nervous at first and worried how my journey with my condition and facial difference could help others. Connecting with my peer and having conversations about topics critical to facial differences, advocacy, self empathy has been empowering. Guiding young adults into a journey of self love, empowerment and resiliency through similar struggles and successes has been life changing.”

  • Chelsey
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