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Ways to Donate

AboutFace is a registered Canadian charity, and each year our work is made possible through the generosity of donors. Your donation today will support our mission – helping to advance equitable opportunities for the facial difference community, while building public acceptance and understanding

Make a donation to AboutFace with either a one-time payment or provide ongoing support through a monthly gift.

AboutFace is proud to be supported by corporations dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion through their vital support of our programs and services. We are always open to creating new corporate partnerships with those who are dedicated to making an impact.

Interested in holding a golf tournament, dinner party, or dance-a-thon in support of AboutFace? Maybe a volleyball tournament, bake sale, or dinner? We’d love to partner with you and support your fundraising event.

Please read through our Third Party Fundraiser Handbook, designed to help you organize a successful, enjoyable event, and packed with helpful tools such as fundraising ideas and guidelines. Please fill out the application forms within the handbook to get started.

Make a donation to honour someone who is celebrating a special occasion (such as a graduation, wedding anniversary or birthday). If you choose to, we can send a card with your own personalized message to the person being honoured.

Make a donation in memory of someone who has passed away. If requested, we will send a card acknowledging your thoughtful gift to the person’s family.

Through your charitable bequest to AboutFace, you will be making a lasting impact on AboutFace’s vital work. Your bequest entitles you to a tax receipt for the full value of your donation, which can be applied to your final tax return. For more information about making a bequest, please contact us.

If you would like to donate securities, please visit our CanadaHelps profile and select the ‘Donate Securities’ tab. This will launch a form that will walk you through the donation process.

Donate Now

Donations to AboutFace are tax deductible. Charitable Registration #126761410RR0001.

For further details and to discuss these giving options, please contact Adriana at or Namrit at

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