AboutFace’s dedicated volunteers were celebrated at the annual Volunteer Recognition Awards event held on November 2.
The awards presented were:
5 Years Recognition: Hartley Lefton, Donald McKay
10 Years Recognition: Tyler Neal
Spirit Award: Alice Fours
Community Ally Award: Donna Jackson, Carolyn McKinnon, Ruanna Jones
Elisabeth Baugh Award: Samantha Doherty, Alexis MacDonald, Alec Saunter-Williams
Donna Jackson, a speech-language pathologist at Wascana Rehabilitation Centre, said, "I have seen firsthand the benefits my clients and their families have received from the AboutFace programs and resources. I am proud to volunteer with an organization that does such vital work and am honoured to receive this award."
Speaking about the importance of volunteers to AboutFace, Co-Executive Director Adriana Lombardo said “our volunteers are involved in outreach, support, education, advocacy, governance, fundraising, and more. In other words, they are critical to every aspect of our organization. We are extremely thankful for every one of our amazing volunteers.”
Alim Somji, Chair of the Board of Directors, said, “as a national charity, AboutFace relies on people across the country who believe in our mission and dedicate their time and resources to advance it. This evening is a rare opportunity to bring us together and celebrate our accomplishments.”
“Raising awareness of the need for acceptance of facial differences to the broader public is not easy work, but it is important work,” said Somji. “We are so grateful to the volunteers who are part of this movement.”